

I’m Emma and I run Way to Fitness and Shine Brighter Coaching & Mentoring.
My fitness story started on my 39th birthday.

I was still wearing maternity clothes despite having children of eight and nine years old and I vowed to myself that wouldn’t be ‘fat and forty’. Over the next two years I lost five stone (70lbs, 32kg) following my own healthy eating advice - I was working as a Practice Nurse at the time.

Fast forward to 2013: having completed my Exercise-to-Music qualification I set up in business helping individuals get fitter by moving more and eating differently. Way to Fitness is my absolute passion. I love running community classes: meeting members who love to exercise in a fun, friendly environment.

Since 2020 I also deliver online classes, sending out links to online sessions each week to members so they are easy to enjoy whenever and wherever they like. Members love the variety and flexibility of online classes.

We also have a friendly Facebook community to which all members have free access. Great friendships have been made and I do two online talks each week on a range of topical subjects.

In 2023 I qualified as a Personal Performance Coach and set up Shine Brighter Coaching & Mentoring. This now allows me to offer the full package for those who want to improve their health and fitness but let their ifs and buts get in the way.

Coaching allows you to get from where you are to where you want to be in a safe, non-judgemental, confidential space through a series of future-focussed conversations.

For times and venues of all sessions: